Oculoplasty eye surgery
Oculoplastic surgery is the cosmetic, corrective, and reconstructive surgery of the eye. It manages and repairs problems primarily related to the tissues or structures surrounding the eye, rather than the eyeball itself. These structures include the eyelids, the tear ducts, and the orbit (bony socket surrounding the eye).
Blepharoplasty, also known as an eyelift, removes excess skin and fat in the upper eyelids and excess fat in the lower lids. The procedure can also be done on just the upper or lower eyelids. It may be accompanied by an eyebrow lift and cheek lift as well. This procedure is done for cosmetic beautification
Facilities available in Oculoplasty Service are
Surgical and therapeutic
- Well equipped ophthalmic plastic suites
- Radio Frequency Surgical unit
- Endoscopy for transnasal procedures
- Custom made ocular and facial prosthesis
Eyelid and Eyebrow
- Ptosis correction
- Entropion and Ectropion correction
- Eyelid tumor removal and reconstruction
- Eyelid trauma repair
- Blepharoplasty and Brow lift
- Botox injections
Lacrimal system
- Dacryocystorhinostomy, external and endoscopic endonasal
- Management of congenital dacryocystitis
- Repair of Lacrimal canalicular laceration
- Enucleation with orbital mplant
- Cosmetic evisceration with orbital implant
- Socket reconstruction
- Custom made artificial eye and facial prosthesis